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Guide To 9 Eyelash Extension Tools For Professionals


Guide to 9 eyelash extension tools for professionals

When I began doing lash extensions for clients, tools were very modest, if not minimal. The best thing was literally the eyelash curler in an industry of false extensions. Technology has advanced quickly and today lash artists have so many options and eyelash extension tools to work their way around it.

That’s why I’m gonna cut the crap and talk to you about these nine most important tools for lash professionals. No drama today. Well, expect a bit because each of these tools is explained with side-tips you can practically apply in your life.

Let’s get started right?  

9 Eyelash Extension Tools For Professionals

At least two decades ago when I began wearing, experimenting and studying eyelash extensions, I realized I was doing certain things wrong. It happens with all of us.

For the first half of my life, I must’ve doodled the lipstick from in any direction, but not anymore. Oh boy, such a mess I was then. All I am saying is that you can mess up in the very start, but if you never wanna mess up, learn from the mistakes of lash artists with long experience. I know where lipstick is supposed to start and end and on the lips as a professional now just as you know how to work a nano mister. If you don’t, I am going to help you all the way today to understand the eyelash extension tools.

Start scrolling and reading the ways to use lash extension tools and you will see what I mean.

1. Tweezers and Precision Scissors

One of the first things to identify a vanity artist or one in the making is by their tweezers. Professional lash extension artists like me keep two tweezers. Keeping different tweezers help me scrutinize and refine every stage of lash application.

With the first tweezers- pick up and apply the lash extensions. These scissors are called L-Shaped or Curved Tweezers.

With the second tweezers- isolate the lashes. These scissors are called Isolation Tweezers.   

When you’re shopping for tweezers, look for ones that sustain sanitization and disinfection you do between multiple clients. For a lash professional, the tweezers should last a life. You don’t just invest in one or two tweezers, pick the right ergonomic lash tweezers based on the curl of lash.

Precision scissors are another important thing every lash professional needs. These are available under $5 and the best ones are the thin and sharp. You can pick precision scissors by their sizes such as big and small too.

2. Primers

When you’re doing lash extensions for clients, you need a good and trustworthy lash primer that supports the lashes well. It needs to hold the lashes during application and separate it need be, during the same.

There are many more reasons why you need an Eyelash Extension Primer. It removes the oil and other grime or residue from the natural lashes. You won’t believe this but lash primer is the reason why bonding works out well as it establishes the right pH balance.

When you’re working the primer, remember DO NOT KEEP YOUR PRIMER IN THE FRIDGE. I am sorry for all the yelling but I am hoping it is loud enough for my younger self to hear too.  For example, I didn’t know this and wondered why my college-going clientele had worse retention than older clients who wear little-to-no eye makeup.

You also need a primer for every new client and during every session. Retention is the catch with expensive primers.

3. Adhesives, and Glue Rings

I have a few instances of using the wrong adhesives on less than three clients in the past. It was such a nasty experience that I always tell my students to invest in multiple adhesives to cater to different clients. Eyes are an important area you need to be extra-careful about.

From types of popular lash adhesives like strip-lash-adhesive, brush-on adhesive, medical-grade-adhesive, transparent glue, colored adhesive and tinted lash adhesives, select the one that best applies to you.

Quick-dry adhesives are my best friend that if you’re hearing it for the first time, you need to google all about it. Glue rings that hold adhesives are available in packs of 100 and they ease up the work when you use it the right way.

Learn more about eyelash adhesives.

4. Gel Patch

These are semi-circular gel pads that are applied between the lower lashes and the upper lashes to prevent sticking together. I can’t stress the importance of investing in a good quality gel patch. I personally love hydrogel pads. It is most resourceful for lash extension application and tinting sessions.

One brilliant tip that I learned from a veteran lash artist in Miami is that keeping the pad away from the eyelid can prevent irritating sensitive eyes. You can use a medical tape that is transparent for better clarity when working on lash extensions and reworks.

Gel patches are so advanced now that they keep the drying eye area moisturized. What does it do? The area around the eyelash extension retains its shape and stop puffing up. You don’t want the client to look inflamed after a session. Do you? This is the perfect eyelash extension tool to perfect your lash extension session.

You can even draw the correct lengths or volume of lashes to apply per natural lashes. It’s an easy step that works leaps and bounds. Needless to say, it’s a must’ve artists!

5. Lash Brushes and Micro-brushes

There are many, and I mean a whole lotta brushes used for managing and applying eyelash extensions. Starting from the lash separator with ultra-precision, you need mascara wands that are fit for one-client use too.

You also need soft eyelash brushes for shampooing the lashes. Applying oils and moisturizing is the job of another brush. You also need curved wands that fit different styles of extensions that you use. Swab sticks known as micro-brushes are used by professional lash artists for easy cleaning sessions with false lashes.

 Artists can even get custom lash brushes with natural hair than synthetic hair. All I am sayin’ is that the options are there. Find them.

So how many brushes do you have in total? I dare you to ask me!

6. Lash Tiles

If you’re just starting out, use acrylic lash tiles to keep your lash extensions organized during a session. I love them because most designs of lash tiles are available in acrylic. Are they very easy to make? Hell yea!

As most lash tiles or eyelash trays as they are called, are available in different proportions like sixteen rows or 4,000 lashes per case. I love preparing the lash tile for the client before the session. It helps me organize my thoughts too. With length and curl specified on the tile, it makes picking the right lash extension incredibly easy, I am telling you. Try it once even if you’re not smitten yet!

7. Blower and Lash Fans

Would you believe me if I tell you there are mini-AC (Air-conditioning) devices available for eyelash extension adhesives to dry up quickly. Blower fans are the old model while today you have amazing-better-gadgets to help you regulate the time during eyelash extension application.

The mini fans are available in all sizes and all costs, but lookout for a sturdy fan. I have bought so many cheap ones only to realize they all stop working within a month or three at max. You don’t need to invest in a $50 blower or lash fan, but go for something around $15 to $20 with sturdy body and warranty.

I don’t suggest buying from the ones that sell free mascara wands unless you know for sure. Because they can screw up if the controls go haywire, you need to be careful when picking these fans.

8. Extension Tape

I have a special supplier for my lash extension tapes and these come in 12 yard lengths. You need to be careful about your lash tape. Get a non-woven adhesive tape, preferably medical grade. I stress on this because the last thing you want is an allergy or legal liabilities from clients.

The tape will prevent the adhesive from oozing into your eyelids. It’s a protection tool for lash artists around the world. You need to get acquainted with appropriate tapes and their pain-free removal to ensure your lash clients don’t return with inflamed eyes in an hour.

The 3M surgical type of type is my favorite for giving that extra protection to the outer edges of your eye. Stickies as we call them are situations when the adhesive has gone into the eyes of the client and you need to put on your quick-shoes and run for help including washing the eyes. Cut all that and use the tape properly. Sounds easy right? Let’s do it.

9. Magnifying Glasses

For under $20, you can get a reliable pair of magnifying glasses that you don’t need to hold onto. Hence, you can fit them over your head like an elaborate-and-techy-hairband, and operate them hands-free when working on eyelash extensions.

These often come with interchangeable magnifiers that help you do your lash extension session with ultimate precision and clarity. I have received up to 5 lenses for free when I bought magnifying glasses online. That’s why you should try that too.

My favorite are the ones that come with a two or four LED lights with varying brightness levels you can adjust.  These are powered by AAA batteries most-often. It’s an economical item every eyelash extension artist must have. However, if you find another one that’s good, tell us about it below.

Step By Step Use of all the Eyelash Extension Tools

Now that you’ve learned about nine amazing eyelash extension tools (perhaps you learned them before and are just refreshing now, kudos to you!), it’s time to find out the right way to use them during your sessions.

Moreover, you might know it already, right?

I will briefly explain the three steps for integrating all the eyelash extension tools you learned of above.

1. Sanitation

The first to do before using even new tools is disinfection and sanitation. I have a whole blog article on this if you’re interested.  I describe the various sanitation practices lash artists can follow to create a good atmosphere around their lash stations.

The three stages- sanitization, disinfection and sterilization also increases the trust of clients. Moreover, when you care about the little hygiene things, you will gradually start to keep your station clean and that will impress clients too.

This is the time to clean up your tools, preferably a few hours ago for natural drying.

2. Preparation

For preparing the lash session, you need to select the lashes and put them out. You can also use your lash tiles to organize the session you are about to do. Preparation also includes taking out all the tool and keeping it at the station based on easy access. Check if all your tools are available and working well.

Wear your magnifying glass head gear and proceed onto the next step.

3. Application

For this stage, you can start with cleansing shampoo using lash brushes. Then procees on to gel patches and extension tapes. Once the lash extensions are getting applied, use the tweezers, precision scissors and blower to help you navigate the processes.


Nano Mister and Foam Cleanser is for another day, luvvies. Ways to use these nine eyelash extension tools coming really soon too.

Tell me which is your favorite eyelash extension tool below.

Stay tuned!
